Our Reviews

A list of all of our published reviews is available at the bottom of this page using our topic list.

Full-text scientific reviews are available through The Cochrane Library as a subscription to the online publication or DVD-ROM publication. Free online access is available through funded provisions or a special scheme in medical libraries and to residents in certain regions or countries.

Materials for Consumers:

Plain language summaries are easy-to-read, free to access summaries of reviews relating to arthritis treatments. Also available in French and Spanish.

Decision aids help patients and clinicans work together to make treatment decisions

Additional materials for CMSG reviews:

1. Adverse effects of biologics: a network meta-analysis and Cochrane overview

2. Summary of Findings Table for Abatacept for Rheumatoid Arthritis




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Full list:

By subtopic:

Gout [uric acid, hyperuricemia, pseudogout] (24)
Lupus Erythematosus [systemic, discoid, cutaneous, lupus nephritis] (6)
Osteoarthritis (95)
Rehabilitation (30)
Treatment [Non-pharmocological interventions] (41)
Surgery (28)
Treatment [Pharmacological interventions] (23)
Osteoporosis [premenopausal, post-menopausal, corticosteroid induced, osteoporosis in men ] (44)
Treatment [pharmacological agents] (31)
Bisphosphonates (8)
Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS) (6)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (80)
Nonpharmacologic (30)
Rehabilitation (16)
Physical Therapy (14)
Treatment [Pharmacological interventions] (48)
Biologics (14)
Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), also slow acting antirheumatic drugs; second line agents (SAARDs) (16)
Symptom modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (SMARDs) (16)
Soft tissue [rheumatism, rheumatic disease, bursitis, tendonitis] (63)
Treatment of elbow pain (10)
Treatment of shoulder pain (13)
Spondylo-arthropathy [psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis] (17)
Treatment (17)